What is a Treadmill Desk?
Although treadmill desks are gaining in popularity, many are still unaware of what they are, how they work, and most importantly how they can benefit you.
We spend a lot of time working with businesses to introduce the concept of walking and working, and one of the most common misconceptions that people have, is that the treadmill is a running treadmill. The idea of a treadmill desk is not to sweat away the pounds but to incorporate gentle exercise into the working day, at a time when you would otherwise be sedentary. Walking greatly increases your circulation, this in turn has many positive effects on your health, such as reducing your risk of developing heart disease.
So why do you need a dedicated treadmill desk? A walking treadmill desk is designed completely differently to a gym treadmill, they are purposely built for the office, and are considered office furniture rather than fitness equipment. Unlike gym treadmills a walking treadmill desk from LifeSpan does not incline, making it ergonomically approved for office use. Walking naturally improves your posture, making a walking workstation a great addition to any office where workers may be experiencing lower back pain or work related RSI injuries. The treadmills are also fitted with a DC motor for a much quieter performance - making them ideal and more convenient for shared spaces.
So how do you walk and work? The one thing that we always say to new users is that they can't expect on their first treadmill desk session to hop on and write a novel. Walking and working is very much something that you build up to, but after an hour or so you will quickly discover that walking becomes secondary to your work. Many of our clients have actually found that they use their treadmill desk a lot more than they originally intended. With practice and regular use there isn't a working task that you can't complete whilst walking and working at your treadmill desk.
The best thing about the treadmill desk is that anyone can swap their regular desk for a treadmill desk. The treadmill desk works just as well in a home office as it does in a large business, they are great for sole use but also work brilliantly in a hot-desking environment - enabling everyone to experience the many benefits of walking and working!
For more information on any of our treadmill desks please visit our store or contact us on 020 7536 2340