Employee engagement, could your business do more?

Employee engagement, could your business do more?


 There was a time, when businesses could attract new talent with a competitive salary and good package. In today’s world where workplace wellbeing is a priority for so many, businesses need to look at creating more dynamic workspaces.

There’s definitely been a monumental shift in the workplace, particularly within offices. Large corporations and some of the worlds biggest brands are throwing the rule book out of the window, designing more welcoming spaces for their employees  - basically creating an exciting playground for grown-ups.

The change isn’t just happening in offices, for many years colleges and universities have pathed the way in flipping convention on its head. Students are no longer glued to their books in libraries but rather tuned into laptops in shared spaces. So is it any wonder that a great post-graduate programme isn’t enough for businesses to attract some of the youngest and brightest minds that this country has to offer?  

Initially many were fearful that creating too many distractions for employees could hinder a business, but it’s only now that companies are starting to recognise the positive impact that creating a more versatile environment can have on their business.

We work in an age where we understand the dangers that a sedentary lifestyle can cause, we’re also more attuned to mental health issues and businesses are rapidly learning that prevention rather than cure will not only improve employee wellbeing but make a much smaller dent in their bank accounts. Businesses are quickly turning to office designers to create new ways to work with the main focus for office design on ‘feeling’ with the function needing to fit around how individuals want to work.

Employee expectation is fast growing, wellbeing perks are being negotiated into contracts – they want what they’ve become accustomed to and if businesses want to attract the best they need to keep up!


Top tips for creating a more active space


  1. Encourage walking. Creating a more free flowing space which encourages employees to get up and move away from their desks will not only aid a healthier lifestyle but encourage collaboration with others.

  2. Provide active equipment. You may have heard of sit-stand desks, treadmill desks and bike desks. These are a great way to encourage users to simply move whilst working. These work brilliantly in shared spaces as hot desks – users feel more at ease using the desks if they have company. To find our more click here

3. Create walking tracks and spaces. Many companies are creating walking tracks through offices and outdoor spaces to encourage employees to get up and move, there’s no need to hold morning meetings behind a desk, getting up and walking will encourage more free thinking – benefits that will be felt by the business.


    Top t
    ips for creating an inspiring office

    1. Create outdoor spaces. Roof gardens and courtyard gardens are a great way to turn a small piece of outdoor space into an extension of your office space. Create places where people want to sit, keep it colourful bright and low maintenance.

    2. Embrace agile working
    Create spaces for workers to move away from their desk. Create lounge areas by windows, moving away from their desk and providing natural light will enhance productivity.


    3. Hot-desking. Many businesses have remote workers, but when they need to return to the office give them an exciting place to work – hot desks no longer have to be the spare desk in the corner creating an exciting space for hot-desking will not only entice remote workers back to the office, but it also doubles as a meeting area. See our hot desking ideas here



      4. Healthy foods. Providing your office with healthy snacks or a catered lunch once a month is a really easy way to improve employee engagement, eating healthier also wards off sickness!

      Click here for providers of office foods

        4. Incorporate your brand into your office design.
        Using your branded colours and reinforcing your company mantra all over your workspace will help your employees and customers engage with your brand.

        5. Create a few perks. Inspiration can come from anywhere, by giving employees the freedom to explore and use the perks in their workplace is great for wellbeing, it’s also proven to help employee retention.