Selecting the Right Treadmill Desk
Selecting the Right Treadmill Desk
There are a number of treadmill desk options to select from when making the decision to add walking into your workday. We recommend that you first select the desk that best works for you. Choose from the following three options:
DT3 Works with Your Height Adjustable Desk: If you already have a standing desk, height adjustable desk or want to purchase a specific desk the DT3 is likely the right option for you. The DT3 is a treadmill base that fits with your existing or desired standing desk. It's compact, convenient, and has all of the features as our other Workplace consoles, including Bluetooth integration. When selecting a height adjustable desk, remember that a treadmill is approximately 4.5” of additional height above the floor so make sure the maximum height will support your needs plus 4.5”.
DT5 Manual Height Adjustment Desk: This is a great option for individuals or small teams where height adjustment is infrequent. This sturdy desk includes padded arm rests and a conveniently located console that doesn’t occupy any of the desk space. The working surface measures 31” by 46.5” and height adjustments are made in 1” increments with 16” of total adjustments.
DT7 Electric Height Adjustment Desk: Electric height adjustment is recommended option for multi-user environments including communal areas and public areas. It includes the same padded arm rests, integrated console and work surface as the DT5 plus the addition of electric height adjustment. Height adjustment buttons are conveniently located directly above the console and the DT7 includes memory support for 2 users.
All of our Workplace products are completely interchangeable so once you’ve selected the best desk option it’s time to select one of our three treadmill options:
TR800 Treadmill Base: Is our entry level walk and work option. It’s designed for up to 3 hours of average daily use and has a smaller walking surface than our other treadmill options; it is 18” by 52”. The TR800 is a great option for single users planning to add walking to their workday. (TR800-DT3, DT800-DT5, TR800-DT7)
TR1200 Treadmill Base: This is our most popular model. It includes upgraded components from the TR800 including a larger motor, upgraded walking belt and larger walking surface 20” by 56”. It’s the perfect option for single users who expect to do a lot of their work on the treadmill desk and for small teams expecting to walk up to six hours per day collectively. (TR1200-DT3, TR1200-DT5, TR1200-DT7)
TR5000 Treadmill Base: Designed specifically for situations where high-use and low maintenance are required. While our other treadmill bases require periodic belt lubrication to keep the friction between the belt and deck low, the TR5000 offers a maintenance free belt/deck combination. Coupled with a 3 HP AC motor, the TR5000 is a workhorse designed to meet the high demands of today’s workplace and includes a ten hour per day usage warranty. (TR5000-DT3, TR5000-DT5, TR5000-DT7)